24-25: Week 20 Classroom News

Hello Families, It’s been a big week for BBS! We received our Certificate of Occupancy and the Administrators got to move into their new classroom on Monday. Photo above shows students  carrying their belongings from the trailer to the new building. See this...

5th-8th move into new classroom!

Today is the day! Upper grade students (5th-8th) and their teacher Ms. Steele have been waiting a LONG time for this day to arrive. The 7 students who started in September began the year in a temporary classroom in the District Office (aka Bus Barn). Then with the...

24-25: Week 19 Classroom News

Hello Families, The sun of last week has given way to snow! It’s beautiful and also requires that kids come to school with the proper gear. Please make sure your student(s) bring a jacket every day. While the construction crew finishes up their final work in the...

24-25: Week 18 Classroom News

Hello Families, We have been so thankful for the beautiful sun this week! And we also see rain & snow in the near future … Please keep an eye on the forecast for Hoodoo and send your kids with extra gear for Friday. Unfortunately the illnesses are continuing...

24-25: Week 17 Classroom News

Hello Families, The first Ski & Ride day was a big success! Students were really well prepared, handled all their gear, and had great attitudes. It takes a lot of preservance for our brand new skiers and snowboarders! Thank you parents for all your support. There...

Bond Update January 2025

January 8th January 22nd Phase 2 work is rapidly coming to a close as the construction crew is making up for lost time and wrapping up final details. Things are happening so fast, photos from two weeks ago are “outdated” (see above)! Thanks for your...
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