Budget Committee

Current Budget Committee Members

2023-24 Budget Committee

Rachel Gonzalez (Community Member)

McKenzie Ruckman (Community Member)

Hazel Wood (Community Member)

Koli Williams-Anderson (Community Member)

Bear Brown (Board Chair)

Karen LaJoy (Board Vice Chair)

Siobhan Gray (Board Member)

Gary Lovegren (Board Member)

Pamela Lovegren (Board Member)

Budget Calendar

Newest calendar is posted in December of the current school year.

The Black Butte School District Budget Committee is comprised of the Board Members plus community members who are residents of the district. The volunteer committment is 1-2 meetings per year, in the late Spring, in which members review and approve the proposed budget as prepared by the school administration. Contact Delaney if interested in volunteering on the Budget Committee!


Black Butte School is recruiting anyone living in the district to consider being a part of the Budget Committee.

With minimal time involvement you can make a BIG impact: only 1-2 meetings per year!

Contact Delaney Sharp for more information.

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