Essential Services

Beyond a robust educational program, Black Butte School offers students a variety of essential services including:


Counseling Services range from character and emotional development classes for small groups of students, 1:1 counseling, crisis counseling, violence and bullying prevention, and a variety of other counseling services. Black Butte School also offers transition services for students entering Kindergarten and graduating 8th grade. We are pleased to have a Child Development Specialist on our staff, available to students during the week, and hosting parent workshops during the school year.


Special education students at Black Butte School are fully integrated into general education classes. General education teachers have experience and training in teaching special education students. Additionally, they have access to a licensed Special Education teacher who helps manage their Individual Education Plans (as well as other special education plans) and other accommodations. The Jefferson County Education Service District also provides specialized student services including:  Psychological / Behavioral Services, Speech – Language and Audiology Services, Administrative / Support Service, Behavioral programs, and Early Intervention / Early Childhood Special Education Evaluations.


Our transportation services meet the needs of students living in and outside of Camp Sherman. Our bus, purchased in 2016, is a state-of-the art bus equipped to drive safely in extreme weather conditions, and includes automatic chains. The bus route currently serves students living in Camp Sherman and Sisters. Students living in Camp Sherman are able to ride the bus to Sisters in the afternoon to participate in after-school sports. Students are expected to be quiet and seated throughout the bus ride. 


In the fall of 2017, Black Butte School dedicated the Toni Foster Memorial Library. The library is accessible to students, their families, staff, as well as Camp Sherman community members. The library houses a variety of books for children, young adults, as well as books interesting to adults too. A “peace corner” can also be found in the Library, a place where kids can voluntarily retreat to when needing a quiet space to decompress from big emotions. A special book collection dedicated to Zoa Burdick, as well as a collection of antique “Legacy Books” is on display. Please contact the school to set up a time to visit the BBS Library.


Although high school students who live in the Black Butte School district boundary typically attend Sisters High School, they have access to some specialized high school services at Black Butte School. These include tutoring help with the college admissions process, standardized testing classes, and help accessing local scholarship opportunities. Resident students are also encouraged to apply for funding for organized sports activities. 


Black Butte School does not provide students with after-school athletic programs. However, it does provide funding for middle school students (grades 5th-8th) to participate in athletic programs sponsored by Sisters Middle School and/or Sisters Parks and Recreation District. See this link for more information about our Pay-to-Play reimbursement program.


Talented and Gifted (TAG) students are an important part of every school community across Oregon. In Oregon, districts and schools must plan for how they will meet the academic and social-emotional needs of TAG students, specific to their local context, and communicate these plans to the students and families they serve. See this link for complete details on the Black Butte School TAG Program.

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