Hello Families,
Read on for news and updates.
Whole School:
- NO SCHOOL on Monday 2/19 for Presidents Day.
- More snow is falling; please send students with snow gear tomorrow!
- SAJ Architecture team presented to the students on Tuesday. Kids got a virtual tour of the new school through animation videos and virtual reality goggles, looked at design drawings and samples of carpet & tile colors. They learned about what architects and interior designers do. Pictured above is architect Lee explaining design drawings. See more photos below!
- Students exhanged valentines today as well as their felted hearts that they sewed for their buddies. Extra hearts were made to gift to our volunteers. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
- Look for a conference sign up coming soon.
From Ms. Steele: ssteele@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Bebop (2nd/3rd) Math: We have been looking for patterns in the multiplication tables and the students are doing a great job finding them. Ask them about patterns they are noticing. While we were exploring the 9’s today we noticed something cool and I heard a student say “wow, that is just the multiples of nine every time!” Music to my ears!
- Hodag (4th-8th) Math: Happy Valentine’s Day. If I had remembered that it was Valentine’s Day, I would have done some heart math. But, I didn’t. Math was really fun today because the 6th graders taught the 4th and 5th graders partial products. They were amazing teachers and everyone learned something. I think the 6th graders learned patience.
- Health Class: Health class is going well.
- The younger students: We are having so much fun in health class. We will start looking at the role that bones and muscles play in our overall health. Look for the magazine from our first unit on safety to come home tomorrow. It is full of valuable information so check it out with your student.
- The older students gave nice presentations about an individual body system. It was a great overview of how all the body systems work together. The human body system magazine will come home next week. It has a lot of valuable information. Yesterday we started talking about nutrition and fitness. I think this is a topic that we can really all get behind.
From Ms. Kassie: kdemarsh@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- K/1 Math class: Kindergarten students are still playing with shapes, learning how to draw, make, and name their attributes. See pictures of kindergarten students making different triangles with toothpicks. First grade students are moving into using what they know about addition and subtraction to solve word problems.
- K-3 Science: Our Invisible Forces unit is coming to an end. Students are using what they know about pushes and pulls to build a model ice board as their final project for the unit. See pictures of students using classroom materials to get creative and build.
From Mr. B: ebarrons@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Mr. B’s K/1 Literacy: Students worked exceptionally well on their pink Valentine’s Day booklets. Check out how much they care about their friends and family (and the impressive handwriting)!!!
- Mr. B’s Bebop Literacy: We are kicking off our new reading theme: Family Time. Our writing focus will be a personal narrative.
Mr. B’s Art Literacy class: SAJ Architecture visited our class! Jonah, Lee and Ellie shared a slideshow, future building materials and construction plans with all our students (I think we have a few future architects/interior designers in the works!).
From Mr. Sharp: dsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Humanities class: The Hodags have been plugging along on our same units this past week. We finished up our mid-year iReady reading assessments. I will plan to share those with families at conferences in a few weeks. We have been learning more about the American settlers in Oregon and pioneers in humanities class. Today we read a story about the pioneer experience called “Leavetaking” by Oregon author Rebecca Stefoff.
- Field Studies: In Field Study class we are nearing the end of our Climate Change unit. On Monday we explored potential solutions to lessening the impacts of climate change. Students are going to wrap up the unit by researching one of these solutions and then sharing their findings with the class. Overall, the effort and energy have been really positive this week.

Kaenon makes triangles with toothpicks in Ms. Kassie's math class

Kaia works on her model ice board in Ms. Kassie's Invisible Forces Unit

SAJ architects give Josie a turn with the VR goggles

Students weighed in with their VERY FUN ideas for what the new school should include!

Ellie from SAJ shows students the color palettes of each room

Gavin gets his turn with the VR goggles

Students hand out valentines at the end of the day