School is off to a great start! Thanks for your efforts in helping your kids transition to the new routine.
Here is the first of our Weekly Classroom Updates.
From Ms. Steele: ssteele@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Bebop (2nd/3rd) math students have been working on learning the class routines and rhythms. The students are learning to use their new official looking math notebooks and rocking completing a daily math warmup. They are also trying to fill up a “way to go!” board to earn a celebration day. Ask them what that all means. Later this week we are going to start exploring multiplication.
- The 4th-8th grade math class (yes, we need a new name, ask your student about that!) has been working on reviewing some concepts from last year. There is truth to the idea that we forget some stuff over the summer. We are refreshing our brains on long division, order of operations and fractions. The 4th and 5th grade students are taking the district’s i-Ready assessment this week. We also had a great discussion today about investing and saving money. Ask your kiddo about the idea of diversifying; I am curious what they thought about that.
From Mr. B: ebarrons@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- K/1 Literacy Back to School Haiku:
letters and scissors,
stories of community
let’s work toward our best.
In Mr. B’s K/1 literacy class, students have been exploring routines, using scissors, glue sticks, parts of a story, slate boards, and how to blend colored pencil colors. They are reading stories about friendships and what makes a community work.
- Bebop (2nd/3rd) Back to School Haiku:
cursive and vocab,
neighborhoods and the ‘c’ rule
Can I have some lead?
In Mr. B’s ‘Bebop’ literacy class, students are working on the ‘c’ rule (hard ‘c’ vs. soft ‘c’), stories about different communities, describing neighborhoods, and an introduction to cursive. Mechanical pencils may be a problem!
- Mr. B’s art block is busy making hand painted papers for a future project!
From Mr. Sharp: dsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
We had a great first week of school in the 4-8 grade classroom. This group is all returning students so we were able to jump right into our school schedule without much struggle. We spent time this past week establishing routines and expectations and catching up after a few months apart.
- In Humanities class we are starting off this year focusing on Oregon geography. The students have a study guide of cities and natural features in Oregon that they need to learn and be able to identify on a map. We have been looking at maps in the classroom, we built a 3-D model of Oregon in the field, and now they are developing an advertising campaign for one of the 7 regions of Oregon. They will take the quiz on 9/21. Please ask your students about their progress learning Oregon geography and help them study using their study guide and maps in their green Humanities folder.
- In Field Study class we are beginning the year with a focus on water and its impacts on the local environment. We are excited to get out on the river this week and we have hikes planned on the west side of the pass (temperate rainforest) as well as Smith Rock (desert) in the coming month. By spending time outside in ecosystems with very different amounts of water the students should be able to gain a better understanding of the role water plays in our local environment.
Please reach out if you have any questions or would like to volunteer for one of our hikes in the coming month.
From Ms. Lindsey: overstreet@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- I have met with each of the students in small groups to check in about their summer experiences and thoughts about the current school year. Next week, I will begin meeting individually with students with identified academic, social, or emotional needs and facilitating small groups. I am at the school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please email with any questions, needs, or concerns for your student.