Hello Families,
Welcome back from Thanksgiving Break! We had an exciting day today with the Firebusters Party. See photos and video in this blog post.
Whole School:
- Please support your students in memorizing their lines for the Winter Performance!
- Student bazaar crafts are due at the Community Hall. Bring them Thursday between 3-5pm, and baked goods on Friday before the Bazaar begins at 5pm.
- Holiday Bazaar at the Camp Sherman Community Hall Friday Dec. 1st 5-9pm and Saturday Dec. 2nd 10am-3pm.
From Ms. Steele: ssteele@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Bebop (2nd/3rd) Math: Today in bebop math we looked at a multiplication app for phones or ipads. The students worked through many multiplication problems on the app and it was engaging, fun and well, a great way to practice multiplication facts. I encourage families to look for an app that works for them.
- Hodag (4th-8th) Math: Today we tried a new way to take a quiz. The students worked on the quiz individually and then they partnered up. The goal was to really work together to understand the questions and to help each other learn. Once the pair felt comfortable with their answers I randomly chose one of the student’s work and that quiz grade will work for both the students. I heard so much amazing math dialogue going on during class. I feel like students really gained from the experience.
From Ms. Kassie: kdemarsh@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- In K/1 Math class, we have been working on understanding teen numbers. For kindergarten students this looks like writing numbers 11-19 while still working on the concepts of addition. For first grade students it is about understanding a teen number by breaking it into the tens place and ones place using number bonds, addition, and pictures to show this concept.
- We also have been having a guest reader on Thursdays during snack. 8th Grader PaisleyAnn, is taking time to read a special book to our littles and everyone loves it! (See photo above).
- In K-3 Social Studies, we wrapped up our last unit about history and celebrations and we started an economics and marketing unit. During this unit the big question students are working to understand is “How do we spend our money, and how does that affect our community.” We started learning about why we have money and the difference between needs and wants. This is a good time of year to think about spending, saving, and giving. See if you can weave these concepts into family talks.
From Mr. B: ebarrons@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Mr. B’s K/1 Literacy class has been working on a retell of Louise Fatio’s story The Happy Lion and sound practice with ‘er’ and ‘ur’.
- Mr. B’s Bebop (2nd/3rd) Literacy crew has been writing from the perspective of a turkey on Thanksgiving Day, a flickering candle, and a balloon flying over a circus tent. Students also finished reading a story about a big, bushy mustache.
- Both classes have been enjoying reading and discussing TIME for Kids. Hooray for informational text!!
From Mr. Sharp: dsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
After a week of break for Thanksgiving we got back to our school routine this week. I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday and got a chance to celebrate.
- In Humanities class we are finishing up our novel, M.C. Higgins the Great, this week. The students were assigned to read over the break and we spent the beginning of this week reviewing what we read. We are now trying to make sense of some of the deeper messages of this book. We will end our fall term by doing interpretive writing on the book. This will be challenging for the students but they are ready for some deep thinking and writing.
- In Field Study class we got to work with our new weather station on Monday. The students are working on designing their own science experiment using the weather station data. Our goals are to apply our new learning about weather and climate to the questions we have as well as learn the scientific method. Ask them what question they are thinking of answering with their science experiment. The students need to come up with an experiment by the end of this week.
- Hopefully I will see many of you at the Holiday Bazaar this weekend. The students created some amazing artwork to explore.
From Ms. Sharp: jsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Performing Arts class:
Thanks to everyone for supporting their kids to bring in some fantastic costumes, as well as memorize lines and the songs! After yesterday’s rehearsal, I can see that the kids have been working hard to be ready for next week’s show. This week we are continuing to rehearse, then next week we’ll have longer rehearsals in the Community Hall. Thanks also to all of you parents who’ve supported the performance creatively, especially Gary show is making us two new small stages so we can see all the performers. Also a shout out to Abraham who is going to play the cajon with us as we sing! Lastly, please read the email you’ll receive from me this week about the final details for the show.

*Most* kids loved the soup! ALL the kids loved the homemade butter on bread. 🙂

All students helped prepare veggies for Stone Soup

Ms. Kassie put an actual stone in the Stone Soup ... guess who got it?!