Hello Families! Read on for news and reminders.
Whole School:
- Parent Workshop TONIGHT at 5:00pm. All caregivers welcome. Learn how to navigate keeping kids safe with technology use.
- NO SCHOOL this Friday, 11/10 (Veteran’s Day observed)
- We will make Stone Soup again Friday 11/17 before Thanksgiving Break. The story of Stone Soup is based around the magic of people coming together to share the little they have to make a delicious meal. In the tradition, we invite you to send something small to contribute to the soup.
Items for Stone Soup:
Veggies (carrots, sweet potatoes, onions, garlic, celery, potatoes…)
Can of crushed tomatoes
Can of coconut cream
Nutritional yeast
Dry goods can be brought to school as early as tomorrow. Please send any veggies next week by Thursday.
From Ms. Steele: ssteele@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Bebop (2nd/3rd) Math: This week we have been finishing up rounding to the tens and hundreds place. Next adventures in our textbooks are going to be all about adding and subtracting big numbers. We are still working on multiplying and really focusing on the fours!! We are also enjoying some art in class. We are doing a few projects based on the artist Paul Klee.
- Hodag (4th-8th) Math: This week we have been going more deeply into solving problems using the greatest common factor and least common multiple. We also started doing prime factorization so that we can figure out the prime factor string of any number. We are going to be working on a few mart (math/art) projects influenced by the artist Paul Klee.
From Ms. Kassie: kdemarsh@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- In K/1 Math class, (well…snack time), we started having tea time during snack. This is a special treat students enjoy during the colder months. It is nice for them to have something warm to sip on after a cold morning recess. We also learn how to drink politely out of a cup, wash dishes, and use good manners while trying something new. As far as math 1st grade students are doing great with number bonds. Kinder students are working on comparing numbers 0-10 using words greater than, less than, more and less.
- In K-3 Social Studies, we are continuing to think about perspectives. This week we are thinking about westward expansion vs. eastern invasion. We have done some acting out to explore the perspectives of native communities vs. the settlers. We have thought specifically about their beliefs around relationships to land. Ask students how native communities and settlers thought land should be used.
From Mr. B: ebarrons@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Mr. B’s K/1 literacy class has been working on
- sound practice with ‘x’ and ‘y’
- more exposure to high frequency words/word cubes
- making predictions on monthly weather graph
- identifying rhymes within stories and word practice
- fantasy vs. realism
- Mr. B’s Bebop (2nd/3rd) literacy class has been working on:
- difference between preceding vowel on ‘ge’ and ‘dge’ words
- informational comparison writing
- special nouns (Proper Nouns)
- introduction to the spelling card game Quiddler
- vowel teams ‘ow’ and ‘ou’
- compound word building/dissection
From Mr. Sharp: dsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- In Humanities class we are coming to the end of our Native American history of Oregon unit. This past week we have covered a wide range of topics from the past like Celilo Falls and Indian Boarding Schools to more current issues like restoration of waterways, Standing Rock, and current efforts for tribal recognition by the Clatsop and Chinook. Tomorrow we will visit with BBSD Board Chair and BBS alumni Bear Brown. She will share more with the students about the Chinook people and their struggle for federal recognition. We will wrap up this unit on Monday with a Celebration of Learning! (Test).
- In Field Study class we took a fun break from our Weather and Climate unit to visit Ms. Kirstin’s pottery studio on Friday. This week we are back to work learning about the factors that create both our climate and weather. Ask your child if they can tell you anything they learned about the weather and climate this week.
- The students are excited for a day off school this Friday. We take this day off to honor all our military veterans. There are some valuable lessons to be learned by remembering those who have served. Values like sacrifice, courage, loyalty, and being part of something bigger are important to share with our kids. Thank you to all the veterans in our community for your service and we hope your efforts can continue to be an inspiration to the next generation.
From Ms. Sharp: jsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- In Performing Arts class, we began our official performance rehearsals this week. We warm up, we sing one of the songs, and then we work on scenes. So glad to have Hollie and Ethan supporting kiddos who aren’t with me in the “theater” in the River Room. It’s fun helping the kids to create the voice and movements of their characters.
From Ms. Molly: mschultz@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Students began working on Holiday Bazaar art projects this week.
- 3rd-8th graders took a field trip to Ms. Kirstin’s clay studio to make ornaments with imprints of natural materials they foraged in the forest. Ask your students what made a better impression in the clay – branches or leaves? After the ornaments are fired in the kiln, students will paint on a glaze as the final step.
- K-3 students experienced Art Literacy today as Mr. B led them through elements of design and color in their Bazaar project: tile coasters with mosaic painted paper. Ask your students which complimentary colors they chose! 4th-8th students will do this same coaster project next week.
- Curious to learn more about the Holiday Bazaar? Look for an email with more details very soon! Mark your calendar and plan to join the fun: Dec. 1-2.
During K/1 snack time we restarted the tradition of tea time. This is a special treat students enjoy during the colder months. It is nice for them to have something warm to sip on after a cold morning recess. We also learn how to drink politely out of a cup, wash dishes, and use good manners while trying something new.

Ms. Kirstin helps Woofie slice the clay. All the kids thought the slicing was a very satisfying process!

Alder, fir, cedar, pine, yarrow, spruce - sources for this beautiful nature-based art!

Step one: Roxy shaped the clay into a ball and cranks the roller to press it flat

Step two: Ayla shapes her clay

Step three: Arlo presses yarrow leaves into the clay

Kaenon works on choosing his colors for the tile