Black Butte School is Breaking Ground!
Friday June 14th, 11:00am – 12:00pm
Join students and staff on the last day of school to kick off our school remodel! Hear from project leaders and witness the first shovels in the ground. Construction officially begins on June 17th.

Preparing for construction to begin with deliveries of a storage container, job trailer, and dumpster!
April 2024
⇒ Storage container delivered
⇒ Pre-bid walk-through for subcontractors
⇒ Subcontractor bids collected by Griffin

Storage container delivered and placed on the black top. This is getting steadily filled with all the contents of the school!
May 2024
⇒ Subcontractors chosen
⇒ BBSD Board Meeting 5/7 approved construction costs submitted by subcontractors
⇒ Pre-Construction Kick-Off meeting May 14
⇒ Permits approved for interior work

Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Subcontractor Walk Through
June 2024
⇒ Job trailer delivered
⇒ BBS staff packing and cleaning out the school
⇒ Forest Service to approve permit for vehicle access on field
⇒ Solarium removal scheduled this week
⇒ Fencing will go around the work site so playgound will remain accessible
⇒ Awaiting permission from State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to excavate site of addition
⇒ Groundbreaking June 14th
⇒ Construction begins June 17th with asbestos abatement

Portable toilets have been delivered!

Students eat in the shade of the job trailer

Ms. Steele packs up games & books

The Griffin team looks at plans

Mr. Sharp cleans off the tall shelves

Plants grow inside the school!

Further evidence the building needs an upgrade!

Solarium will be removed and a new classroom constructed here

Piano heads to the Bus Barn