Hello Families,
It’s been quite a week so far! Students wrapped up their time at the Community Hall last Friday with Ms. Liz & Ms. Sharp while the rest of the staff moved into the building. Families gathered at the Campout later that evening. And on Monday, students finally got to see the inside of their newly remodeled classrooms – Camilla’s face says it all (photo above)!
Whole School:
- Construction Update: We are in the building (finally)! The crew will continue to finish up interior work when students are out of the building on field trip days. Phase 2 construction (MPR + bathrooms + 3rd classroom addition) will continue through Spring 2025.
- Friday Sept 27 – Black Butte Hike: Check out this Outdoor Learning document to get prepared for the hike – things like sturdy hiking shoes, comfortable backpack, lightweight lunch containers and the ability to pee outside!
- Wed Oct. 2 – Art Club: Thanks for getting your paperwork in. First session begins next week.
- Thurs Oct. 3 – Picture Day: This is the new date (rescheduled from 9/26).
From Ms. Steele: ssteele@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- 5th-7th Class:
- The upper grade class continues to work on the 5 themes of geography: movement, regions, human environment interaction, location and place. We have a quiz on these themes today. Mr. Help is the acronym we use to remember them. We also started homework this week which was due on Wednesday. We will have a good discussion on the strategies everyone used to remember to do it and to remember to bring it back. Don’t need much parent support yet!
- In math class everyone is working on a fraction review packet. Yes, it’s kind of boring, AND we will move on to some fresh material soon. Depending on everyone’s level of focus during class, some students may need to take the packet home next week for 20 minutes of daily homework.
- The bonding is going well. Everyone seems to have each other’s backs, which is what we want in such a small class. “All for one and one for all!” This comes from the book The Three Musketeers, where the characters stayed loyal to each other through thick and thin. That’s us!
From Ms. Kassie: kdemarsh@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- K-1 Literacy & Math: In kindergarten literacy students are working to “peel” sounds from words to understand that words are made of different sounds. In 1st grade literacy we are working to connect sounds to letters, understanding which letter (or letters) represent the sounds they hear. In kindergarten math we have been working on knowing the positions of items as well as comparing their lengths. In 1st grade math we are working on knowing the 10 friends which when put together make 10 (1 and 9, 2 and 8…).
⇒ Work and Play to try at home – Just some fun ways we are playing at school that you are welcome to try at home.
- Peel part sounds of words (all sounds for 1st grade students, or just the first sound for kindergarten students).
Order items by length for kindergarten students
Play with finding 10 friends (I see 3 apples, how many more would we need to make 10?)
K-2 Science: We went on a walk to see signs of animals in our forest. Ask students what we found on our walk. We also learned what makes an animal an animal. They are consumers, meaning that an animal cannot make its own food like plants. We are using what we know about their adaptations to get what they need.
From Mr. B: ebarrons@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- 2nd-4th Class: Week three has been a pleasant transition for Bebop. We are taking our time to build intentional norms to ensure safety and a space where we all contribute.
- In math, Bebop is building upon their understanding of measurement (telling time to the hour and half hour, tracking weather temperatures, measuring to the nearest inch, tracking data using tally marks, using calendars and zigzag number lines) and dabbling into probability as a connection toward the story The Lost and Found (ask about the tunnels!).
- In literacy, Bebop is mindfully braiding/twisting pipe cleaners as a model for skilled reading (so many parts to consider!), comparing realistic adventure fiction with fantasy adventure fiction and detailing important events in those stories. Mr. B is being careful not to overwhelm them with too much too soon!
From Mr. Sharp: dsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
Field Studies & PE: This week has been largely about settling into our new classrooms and establishing routines and expectations for our classes this year. In Field Study class we got our computers set up on Monday and began our first unit which is on local birds. We will be using birds as a way to connect to our region and learn about a variety of other topics including habitat, food chains, adaptations, and evolution. Students will become birders and do some citizen science observations through the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. In P.E. class we are introducing fitness concepts and getting exercise through group games. It has been a lot of fun showing off our new space to students and families and imagining all the possibilities with our remodeled school.
From Ms. Sharp: jsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Performing Arts Class: This week we are exploring movement through skill building games, and some creative performance games. Students made characters by putting on a hat, then entering and exiting the stage using only movement to show their character. (See photos below). Ask your student what hat they chose and how they moved!

WOW! Students marvel at all the changes of the remodeled school

Moving day! Staff got a workout lifting heavy desks.

K-2 students get a tour of the Green Ridge room

First lunch with whole school back together on campus

And first recess with upper and lower grades all together! Roxy teaches Josie volleyball

Students practice balance during PE with Mr. Sharp

Performing Arts team building

Field Studies at Lake Creek Lodge

Carson practices balance during PE

Last day at the Community Hall!

Construction continues right outside the K-2 classroom

Thank you Gary for building tables on move in day!

Getting into character during Performing Arts class

First visit by the JCLD Bookmobile

Librarian Lizzie reads a story to K-2