Hello Families,
Read on for updates and reminders.
Whole School:
- Construction Update: Good news! BBS staff will be doing a final walk-through of the building on Friday morning with the plan of moving in Friday afternoon. Assuming all goes well, students will be in their new classrooms beginning Monday 9/23!
- Art Club Registration due now: Details were sent last Friday to 2nd-7th grade families. Please return your paperwork asap and no later than Friday 9/20!
- Sept 20 – School Campout at Jack Creek CG: This annual tradition is a fun way for students and families to get to know each other, plus it’s a free meal you don’t have to cook! 😉 Check your inbox for all the details from PTO (sent this morning).
- Sept 27 – Black Butte Hike: Check out this Outdoor Learning document to get prepared for our big hike next Friday – things like sturdy hiking shoes, comfortable backpack, and the ability to pee outside!
From Ms. Steele: ssteele@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- 5th-7th Class: The upper grade students have shifted their energy away from “getting to know you” activities to buckling down and starting some serious academic work. Actually, we are finding ways to bond while working on math, literacy and social studies. Ask your student if they can explain at least one of the number sets we have been studying (natural, whole, integers, rational and irrational number sets).
- What are the two themes of geography we have learned so far? And how do you know where to find the genre of a book? Tomorrow we will start the reading diagnostic in i-Ready. Please reach out to me if you have any questions.
From Ms. Kassie: kdemarsh@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- K-1 Literacy & Math: We are rolling into more learning this week as we are getting comfortable with each other and building our daily rhythm. In Literacy we are practicing handwriting and playing with sounds. We have done this with rhyming and isolating the first sound of words. These skills are important with phonemic awareness (the ability to hear the phonemes or sounds). If we can’t hear individual sounds we will have a hard time with both reading and writing. In math we have played with counting by 1s forward and backward as well as sorting, finding similarities and differences.
⇒ Work and Play to try at home – Just some fun ways we are playing at school that you are welcome to try at home.
- Play rhyming games and see what rhyming words your kiddo can create if you give them one (bug, mug, jug..).
- Play with counting by 1s, 5s, 10s as you move throughout your day. If it is easy for your student, start at different numbers or count backwards. (19, 20, 21, 22.. Or 25, 24, 23…)
K-2 Science: We are learning about animals. This week we looked at different animals and saw what special body parts (adaptations or characteristics) they have to get what they need to survive. Ask your student about an animal with a special body part they learned about.
Also, last Friday we constructed bark boats with our buddies at the fish pond. Students loved finding items in nature to decorate their boats before pushing them out into the pond to see how they sail. See pictures below of this fun afternoon as we wrapped up our first week of school.
From Mr. B: ebarrons@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- 2nd-4th Class: Mr. B’s crew are dialing in routines and expanding on their measurement study with Cuisenaire Rods, calendars and weather graphs. In literacy, they are working on story structure, story vocabulary and prediction/inference.
From Mr. Sharp: dsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
It is a big week at BBS. We are scheduled to move into the school at the end of this week and start in our new classrooms on Monday. Everyone is very excited to get started in our remodeled school. The students have been a blast of positive energy to start the year. They are working and playing together really well and it is shaping up to be an amazing group to work with this year.
Field Studies & PE: We are continuing to enjoy our outdoor adventures as we await the completion of our new classrooms. This past week we had a great time building bark boats at the Metolius Fish Pond with the whole school and then the upper grade class went to Lake Creek Lodge to monitor a restoration site on Monday. In P.E. class we have been playing games and learning about healthy lifestyles as a group. Overall, we have had a great start to our afternoon classes.
From Ms. Sharp: jsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Performing Arts Class: This week in performing arts we are playing games to improve focus and concentration, as well as continuing to build trust and bond as an ensemble.

Fort building is in full swing at recess!

Bus safety drill

Older and younger students have been paired up into buddies for the year

Bark Boat building with buddies

Bark Boat launch & float test at the Youth Fishing Pond

Bonding activity - Newspaper Fashion

Field studies at Lake Creek Lodge - students monitored a restoration site