Hello Families,
We have been so thankful for the beautiful sun this week! And we also see rain & snow in the near future … Please keep an eye on the forecast for Hoodoo and send your kids with extra gear for Friday.
Unfortunately the illnesses are continuing to circulate through our community and we have a couple teachers out sick this week. Take care everyone and get extra rest if you can!
Read on for news & updates.
All School News
Important Dates & Reminders
- Jan 29 Art Club: Music with Ms. Sue at the Community Hall from 1:30-3pm
- Friday Jan 31: Ski & Ride looks like it will be a wet one! Pack extra gear for your child to change into in case they soak all the way through.
- Feb 10: Move in date! Construction is on schedule and we are on track for students & staff to move in Monday February 10th! Woo-hoo!
- Feb 11: “Community Connection” 10:00-11:30am at the Community Hall. This is a fun morning of games and snacks hosted by the upper grade class to help combat loneliness in winter. All are welcome! See flyer below.
- Staff news: Sadly we will be saying goodbye to Ms. Steele at the end of this year! After 9 years at BBS (and 20 years total of teaching), she is leaving education to pursue other passions. We are SO grateful for the time, energy and heart she has poured into BBS students.
- We are hiring! With Ms. Steele’s departure, we are now seeking an Upper Grade Teacher to join our community. And now that construction is nearly done, we have room for a school counselor once again and seeking applicants. See both job postings here and spread the word!
Update from Ms. Steele
Administrators (5th-8th)
The Administrators are working really hard this week on their second journalism article of the year. They get a taste of a journalist’s career by being on a deadline. It’s due at the end of the day tomorrow.
Everyone has been assigned a book to read at home. For the students reading Scat by Carl Hiaason, the packet and first 7 chapters are due by Monday February 3rd. For the students reading The Life of Pi, by Yann Martel the packet and first 19 chapters are due Wednesday February 5th. And the first “high stakes” official 36 Oregon counties quiz is Thursday January 30th. Everyone needs 90 percent correct to pass. Spelling and capitalization counts.
Update from Ms. Kassie
K-1 Literacy & Math
- In PE yesterday we went on a hike to the Metolius. Once we got as far as we could, we sat down for two minutes of quiet mindfulness. It was peaceful and fun!
In science we are learning about light and dark. Ask your kiddo to tell you something that is transparent, something that is translucent, and something that is opaque. Can you see without light?
In literacy, all kiddos worked for a bit on their diagnostic iReady test. First graders are working on two-sound consonant blends, meaning when two consonants make two different sounds, like in the word gust. Ask your kiddo how that is different than a digraph. (hint: a digraph is two consonants that make one sound, like splash). Kindergarteners are following along, as well as working on naming the a-b-c’s and their sounds. Point out a letter to your child and ask what letter it is, as well as the sound, or sounds it makes.
- In math Kinders are working on adding more and adding less. They are also working on addition with 5 “get more” and subtracting with 5 “take away”. Ask your kinder: if three apples are red and two are green, how many apples are there all together?
- Today in math, first graders had a quiz where they showed how they could add and or subtract using world problems with solutions up to 20. Ask them, if there were 12 kiddos dancing at the party and then 6 more started dancing. How many kids are dancing all together?
K-2 Science
Update from Mr. B
BeBop Literacy & Math (2nd-4th)
Literacy: In the world of Bebop, students have been wrapping up written work around the story Blue Moose and are starting their final project for this well-told tale (it’s a postcard). They also listened to another wonderfully, whimsical Daniel Pinkwater story called Kat Hats which may have led Mr. B to discuss teenie weenie beanies and singing “Jolene”.
Math: Beboppers are completing bar graphs in math, along with writing checks and getting better with greater than and less than symbols, identifying perfect squares (dabbling with the square roots) and completing math homework.
…Mr. B addressed the lack of homework completion earlier today and gave the Beboppers a stern, but graceful walk-thru on this class expectation. He expects better.
Art Literacy (3rd-8th)
In art literacy, K-2 has started working with line and identifying how certain lines help evoke moods of calmness or busyness. The 3rd-8th graders are finishing eye, nose and lip sketches along with their spoon self-portraits. They too, will begin a line study this week.
Update from Mr. Sharp
Field Studies (3rd-8th)
Mr. Sharp has been out sick this week. Ms. Sharp substitued for him and taught yearbook class yesterday.
In Field Study the class is continuing to work on the electronics unit. Ms. Kirstin substituted today and students worked with multimeters. Ask your student how to pronounce multimeter!
Health Class
Mr. Sharp has been out sick this week. Ms. Sharp substitued for him and taught yearbook class yesterday.
In Field Study the class is continuing to work on the electronics unit. Ms. Kirstin substituted today and students worked with multimeters. Ask your student how to pronounce multimeter!

Sunny & 20 degrees!

Students learn how to use a multimeter in the electronics unit

K-2 science walk

Alayna works on her flyer for Community Connection

Sketching eyes in Art Literacy

Sketching eyes in Art Literacy

Art Literacy: Jaimee's lines

Art Literacy: Tanner's Lines