Hello Families,
The first Ski & Ride day was a big success! Students were really well prepared, handled all their gear, and had great attitudes. It takes a lot of preservance for our brand new skiers and snowboarders! Thank you parents for all your support.
There are illnesses going through the community; remind kiddos to wash their hands and take care!
Read on for news & updates.
All School News
Important Dates & Reminders
- Construction is on schedule and we are on track to move into the rest of the building in February! Read the latest Bond Update and see pics in this blog post.
- Jan 22 Art Club: Music with Ms. Sue at the Community Hall from 1:30-3pm
- Friday Jan 24: Ski & Ride
- Wed Jan 29 Art Club: Music with Ms. Sue at the Community Hall from 1:30-3pm
Update from Ms. Steele
Administrators (5th-8th)
Hello Parents and Families of the Administrators!
This week we are finishing up our art project about “foreshortening”. Look up that art vocabulary word if you are curious. We hung them on the ceiling (see photos below). We had a great discussion about all the reasons people choose to rewrite a fairy tale and next week we will start writing our own versions of fairy tales. We will also be working on journalism articles next week, so lots of writing!!
Math is going well. Everyone is working really hard at staying focused. I am guessing that no one wants to be responsible for homework.
We have learned all 36 counties and starting next week will try to pass the quiz. We will keep trying until we get it. That means students need to study at home.
Update from Ms. Kassie
K-1 Literacy & Math
Kinder students have new heart words (and, at, go) and new letters (b,k,v and e) that we are working on reading and spelling. First grade students have continued to work on double trouble, digraphs, and trigraphs. Their heart words for this week are; want, up, will, their, and how.
In math all students are working on their diagnostic to see what their growth looks like as we approach the halfway point of the school year. Students will continue this next week and then do their diagnostic for literacy next week.
Work and Play to Try at Home
Kinder literacy- Have students work on reading the new heart words around them and making words, real or nonsense, with this week’s letters.
1st literacy- Have 1st grade students look for double trouble letters and spell them.
1st math- Have 1st grade work on adding and subtracting within 10-20.
Kinder math- Have kinder students play with making numbers 6-10 by adding or subtracting.
K-2 Science
Students are continuing to explore sound. We are looking at how animals make sounds. Ask students about what specific animal we have been learning about.
Update from Mr. B
BeBop Literacy & Math (2nd-4th)
- quadrilaterals
- measuring using millimeters and centimeters
- how to write a check!
- line graphs
- perfect squares
- perimeter
- digraphs
- trigraphs
- 2 and 3 sound consonant blends
- closed and open syllables
- schwa
Art Literacy (3rd-8th)
In art literacy, students are dabbling in sketching and sewing! All students are working on self-portraits within a spoon (oh the distortion!) and starting to sew felt hearts courtesy of Ms. Kassie!
Update from Mr. Sharp
Field Studies (3rd-8th)
It was an exciting week at BBS with lots of sunshine and the launch of the Ski and Ride program. The students did awesome in their lessons last week and everyone seemed excited for the season. Thanks to families for helping get all that gear organized for a smooth first day.
In Field Study we are still plugging away with our electronics unit. Students are learning about Ohm’s Law today while making circuits.
Health Class
In Health class we have been discussing our Sources of Strength. These are the people, activities, and characteristics that help us navigate life’s challenges. This is part of our learning around mental health.

Mr. B's Literacy class

Ms. Steele's class

Art Literacy - sewing felted hearts

Art Literacy - sewing felted hearts

Art Literacy- Scout's self-portrait

Ski & Ride!

Ski & Ride!

Ski & Ride!